Educational background
- M.Sc. (Hons. School) Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh (1975)
- Ph.D. (Science), Panjab University, Chandigarh (1981)
- M.C.A. (Computer Science), Indira Gandhi National Open University (2005)
Professional background
- Research Associate, World Laboratory, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (1989–1995)
- Lecturer, MCMDAV College (Panjab University), Chandigarh (1980–1984)
- Lecturer (Senior Scale), Dept. of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh (1984–1994)
- Reader, Panjab University, Chandigarh (1994–2002)
- Professor, Panjab University, Chandigarh (2002 onwards)
- Invited Scientist, EMFCSC, Erice, Italy (August 2007)
- Invited Scientist, EMFCSC, Erice, Italy (June 2015)
- Visiting Scientist, European Center for Research in Nuclear and Particle Physics (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland (1996–2015)
Important awards and fellowships of academies
- Guilio Racah Fellowship of EMCSC, Erice, Italy (1991)
Main area of work
- Experimental high-energy physics: Participation in international HEP experiments (L3, CMS at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland and ZEUS at DESY, Germany), fabrication and testing of detector parts, front-end and backend electronics
- Physics analysis of the data: Dynamics of high-energy particle interactions, QCD jets, measurements of particle properties, Monte-Carlo simulations
Significant recent publications
- Distributions of topological observables in inclusive three-and four-jet events in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
M. Kaur and co authors V. Khachatryan, et al from CMS collaboration
Eur.Phys. J. C75, 7, 302 (2015) - Subjet multiplicities at LHC energies and the QCD color factor ratio CA/CF
M. Kaur and Anter P. Kaur
Advances in High Energy Physics. 2013 (2013) 585809 - Observation of a new Boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC
M. Kaur and co-authors from CMS collaboration
Phys. Lett. B716 (2012) 30 - Generalized event shape and energy flow studies in e+e- annihilation at sqrt(s) =91 .2-208 0 GeV
M.Kaur and co-authors from L3 collaboration (P. Achard et al.)
JHEP 10 (2011) 143 - Transverse-momentum and pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV
M. Kaur and co-authors from CMS collaborations
J. High Energy Phys. 1002 (2010) 041 - Scaled momentum spectra in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
M. Kaur and co-authors from ZEUS collaborations
J. High Energy Phys. 1006 (2010) 009 - Measurement of the longitudinal proton structure function at HERA
M. Kaur and co-authors from ZEUS collaborations
Phys. Lett. B 682 (2009) 8 - The CMS barrel calorimeter response to particle beams from 2 GeV/c to 350 GeV/c
M. Kaur and co-authors from USCMS and ECAL/HCAL collaborations
Eur. Phys. J. C 60 (2009) 359 - Scaled momentum distributions of charged particles in dijet photoproduction at HERA
M. Kaur and co-authors from ZEUS collaboration
J. High Energy Phys. 0908 (2009) 077