1. Two phonon excitations in an anharmonic crystal.
Authors: K.N. Pathak and V.K. Jindal.
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2. High temperature heat capacity of an anharmonic crystal to order λ4.
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3. Free energy of an anharmonic linear lattice.
Authors: M.R. Monga and V.K. Jindal.
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4. Electron correlation effects on the lattice dynamics of sodium and potassium.
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5. Thermal expansion of sodium and potassium.
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6. Two phonon bound states in rare gas crystal.
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7. Memory function approach to the excitation spectra of an electron liquid.
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8. Numerical estimate of anharmonic contribution to thermal expansion and free
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9. Effect of anharmonicity on superconducting metal hydrogen systems.
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10. Self energy of an anharmonic crystal of order . III. Approximate
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11. Frequency spectrum of velocity auto correlation function of liquid rubidium.
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12. Eigenvectors of low frequency internal phonons in crystalline anthracene d 10.
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Chem. Phys. 57, 407 (1981).
13. Calculated low frequency phonon dispersion in anthracene d 10.
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14. Some phonon shifts and widths in d 8 naphthalene.
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15. Temperature dependence of the phonon frequencies in deuterated anthracene.
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16. A calculation of the anharmonic phonon frequencies in solid deuterated
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17. Berechnung der Phononenbreite und Phononenvershiebung in
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18. Calculation of the phonon widths and phonon shifts in naphthalene d 8.
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19. Calculation of thermal expansion and phonon frequency shift in
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20. Electron structure of interstitial hydrogen in α Zr.
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21. Self energy of a positronium near a metal surface.
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22. Phonon dispersion in a deuterated 2,3 dimethylnapthalene crystal at 123 K.
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23. Fourth order relaxation processes in crystalline CO2 .
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24. Phonon dispersion in a deuterated 2,3-dimethylnaphthalene crystal
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25. Dynamic small angle neutron scattering study of rodlike micelles in a surfactant
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26. Time dependent small angle neutron measurements of aligned micelles.
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27. Reinvestigation of two phonon bound states in rare gas crystals.
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28. Calculation of thermal expansion and implicit phonon frequency shift in deuterated
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29. Existence of Two phonon bound states in deuterated naphthalene.
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30. Anharmonic Phonon self energy to the fourth order an application to a diatomic
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31. Self energy of a hydrogen atom near a metal surface.
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32. A model for bulk and dynamical properties of solid C60.
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33. Theoretical Model Upper Limit on the Lattice Parameter of Doped C60 solid
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Materials Science Forum Vols. 223-224 (1996) pp 369-372
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35. Orientational Phase Transitions in C60 Solid.
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36. Impedence of goat eye lens.
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37. The effect of Static Magnetic field on electrical properties of Lens.
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38. Impedance of goat eye lens at different DC voltages
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38. Electrical properties of cataractous lens
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38. Orientation dependence of shock-induced heating in anharmonic molecular
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J. Appl. Phys. 83,5203, (1998).
39. Temperature and Pressure Effects on Lattice Properties of Pure C60 Solid
Authors: V.K. Jindal, K. Dharamvir and Sarbpreet Singh
Int. J. Mod. Phys.B, 14, 51-69 (2000)
40. Dynamics of Bunch of Carbon Nanotubes
Authors: Shuchi, Navdeep Bajwa, Ranjan Kumar, K. Dharamvir and V.K. Jindal
Indian J. of Engineering & Material Science 7,243 (2000).
41. Orientational Ordering and Binding in Alkali Doped C60 Solids
Authors: Ranjan Kumar, Sarbpreet Singh, K. Dharamvir and V.K. Jindal
Indian J. of Engineering & Material Science 7, 320 (2000).
42. Anisotropic Compression in Dimer C60
Fullerene Solid
Authors: Narinder Kaur,
Navdeep Bajwa, K. Dharamvir, V.K. Jindal
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 14,
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43. Bulk and Lattice Properties of Rigid Carbon Nanotube Materials
V.K. Jindal, Shuchi Gupta and K. Dharamvir
Phantoms(nanotubes) 8,5, (2000)
44. Swift Heavy Ion Induced Modification Studies of C60 Thin Films
Journal of Applied Physics 94, 326-333 (2003)
45. Substrate effect on structural modification of C60 induced by 110 MeV Ni ion.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B (NIMB) (2003)
46. Irradiation of swift heavy ions on thin films of C60—a comparative study.
Radiation Measurements (2003)
47. Structure and Dynamics of Carbon Nanotubes in Contact with Graphite Surface and
Other Concentric Nanotubes.
Shuchi Gupta, Keya Dharamvir and V.K.Jindal,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B (2004) 18,1021-1041 (2004)
48. Mechanically-Created Long Period Fiber Gratings (LPFGs) as Sensitive Bend
Nahar Singh, Subhash C Jain, Vandana Mishra, G.C.Poddar, Ashu Kumar Bansal,
V.K.Jindal and R.P.Bajpai
Optical Engineering 44(3),034403 (2005).
49. Refractive index and concentration sensing of solutions using mechanically induced
long period grating (LPG) pair.
Vandana Mishra, Nahar Singh, Subhash Jain, Palvinder Kaur, Ruchi Luthra,
Himani Singla V K Jindal and R P Bajpai, Optical Engineering, 44 (9), 094402
50. Bend Sensitivity
study of mechanically created Long Period Gratings’ (LPGs).
Vandana Mishra, Subhash C Jain, Nahar Singh, G C Poddar Ashu Kumar Bansal,
Palvinder Kaur, V K Jindal and R P Bajpai
Proc.Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC-04), (Eds. A.K.Verma,
E.K.Sharma, Mridula Gupta, R.S.Gupta & Sanjeev Singh) Allied Publishers
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Bulk properties of alkali doped C60 solids
K. Ranjan, K. Dharamvir and V. K. Jindal,
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 43 , 654-659( 2005).
52. Production of solid C60 by the arc ignition of graphite
Irinder Singh Chopra and V K Jindal
Pb. Univ. Res. J (Sci) 54, 65-67( 2005)
53. Production of Carbon Nanotubes Using AC Arc Ignition of Graphite in De-ionised
Irinder Singh Chopra, P. Jindal, M.L. Sharma and V.K. Jindal
54. Cohesive Energy of Potassium Doped C60 Solids
K. Ranjan, K. Dharamvir and V.K. Jindal
Physica B-Condensed Matter 365,121-133 (2005).
55. Elastic Moduli of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes and their Ropes
Shuchi Gupta, K. Dharamvir, and V. K. Jindal
Phys. Rev. B 72, Art. No. 165428 (2005)
56. Strains in Axial and Lateral Directions in
Carbon Nanotubes
P. Jindal and V.K. Jindal
J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 3,
148–152 (2006)
57. Model for Compression of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes
P. Jindal and V.K. Jindal
Molecular Simulations 31, 807 (2005)
58. Binding of Carbon Nanotubes Dispersed by Optical Tweezer on Silicon Surface
Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Ranvinder Singh, Rakesh Kumar, Awdhesh Kumar
Shukla, V.K. Jindal and
Lalit M. Bharadwaj.
Journal of
Nanotechnology Online, 2, 1-10
59. Structure and
elastic modulii of
Silicon Nanotubes
Veena Verma,
K. Dharamvir and V.K. Jindal
of Nano Research Vol. 2 (2008) pp 85-90
online at
60. Comparative study of alkali metal doped C60 solids
K. Ranjan, K. Dharamvir and V.K. Jindal
Physica B- Condensed Matter 371,232-240 (2006).
61. Multiplexing of fiber Bragg grating sensors for strain and
N. Singh,
S.C. Jain, V. Mishra, G.C. Poddar, V.K.
Jindal, R.P. Bajpai, P. Kapur
Techniques, 31, 54-56 (2007).
62. Carbon Nanotubes Production Using Arc Ignition Under Magnetic Field
V.K. Jindal, K. Dharamvir, Vitisha Suman, Narpinder Singh Chahil and Mepam
Nano Trends: A Journal of Nanotechnology and its Applications, 2, 48-59 (2007).
63. Elastic moduli of a boron nitride
Veena Verma, V K Jindal and Keya Dharamvir
Nanotechnology 18 435711 (2007).
64. Immobilization
of single walled carbon Nanotubes on glass surface
Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, V.K. Jindal and
Lalit M. Bharadwaj
Letters, Available online 26 June 2007
65. Bahaviour of Bucky ball under extreme internal and external pressure
Narinder Kaur, S. Gupta, K. Dharamvir
and V.K. Jindal
Title of the book: Proceedings of the 26th
International Symposium on Shock Waves
ISSW26, Germany (2007) Springer-Verlag.
66. Structure of Armchair Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes under Hydrostatic Pressure
Ali Nasir Imtani and V. K. Jindal
Phys. Rev. B 76,
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67. The
formation of dimerized molecules of C60 and their solids
Kaur, N., Gupta, S., Dharamvir,
K., Jindal, V.K.
(2008) Carbon, 46 (2), pp. 349-358.
68. Dimerization and fusion of two C60 molecules
N., Dharamvir, K., Jindal, V.K.
(2008) Chemical Physics, 344
(1-2), pp. 176-184.
69. Immobilization of single walled carbon
nanotubes on glass surface
Kumar, S., Kumar, R.,
Jindal, V.K., Bharadwaj, L.M.
(2008) Materials Letters, 62
(4-5), pp. 731-734.
70. Role of electron energy loss in modification
of C60 thin films by swift heavy ions
Bajwa, N., Ingale, A., Avasthi, D.K.,
Kumar, R., Tripathi, A., Dharamvir, K., Jindal, V.K.
(2008) Journal of
Applied Physics, 104 (5), art. no. 054306.
71. Bond lengths of armchair single-waled
carbon nanotubes and their pressure dependence
Jindal, V.K., Imtani, A.N.
(2008) Computational Materials
Science, 44 (1), pp. 156-162.
72. Pressure effects on bond lengths and shape
of zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes
Imtani, A.N., Jindal, V.K.
(2009) Computational Materials Science,
44 (4), pp. 1142-1149.
73. Structure of chiral single-walled carbon
nanotubes under hydrostatic pressure
Imtani, A.N., Jindal, V.K.
(2009) Computational Materials
Science, 46 (2), pp. 297-302.
74. Structural, electronic, and vibrational
properties of C 60-nNn (n = 1-12)
Sharma, H., Garg, I., Dharamvir, K.,
Jindal, V.K.
(2009) Journal of Physical Chemistry
A, 113 (31), pp. 9002-9013.
75. Phonon dynamics and thermodynamical
properties of alkali metal doped C 60 compounds
Varshney, D., Jain, R.K., Ranjan, K.,
Dharamvir, K., Jindal, V.K.
(2009) Modern Physics Letters B,
23 (20-21), pp. 2557-2571.
76. Lattice constant of cubic perovskites
Verma, A.S., Jindal, V.K.
(2009) Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, 485 (1-2), pp. 514-518.
77. Characterizing single-walled carbon nanotubes
by pressure probe
Imtani, A.N., Jindal, V.K (2009)
Carbon, 47 (14), pp.
78. Pressure induced transformations in condensed
and molecular phases of C60
Kaur, N., Gupta, S.,
Jindal, V.K., Dharamvir, K.
(2010) Carbon, 48 (3), pp.
79. Computational and experimental studies on the
growth of nonpolar surfaces of gallium nitride
Jindal, V.,
Shahedipour-Sandvik, F.
(2010) Journal of
Applied Physics, 107 (5), art. no. 054907,
80. Inherent properties of binary tetrahedral
Verma, A.S., Sarkar, B.K., Jindal, V.K.
(2010) Physica B: Condensed Matter,
405 (7), pp. 1737-1739.
81. Structural modifications of multiwalled
carbon nanotubes by swift heavy ions irradiation
Dharamvir, K., Jeet, K., Du, C., Pan,
N., Jindal, V.K.
(2010) Journal of Nano Research,
10, pp. 1-9.
82. Cohesive energy of zincblende AIIIBV and A
IIBVIstructured solids
Verma, A.S., Sarkar, B.K., Jindal, V.K.
(2010) Pramana - Journal of Physics,
74 (5), pp. 851-855.
83. Structure of polynitrogen clusters encapsulated
in C 60: A density functional study
Sharma, H., Garg, I., Dharamvir, K.,
Jindal, V.K
(2010) Journal of Physical
Chemistry C, 114 (19), pp. 9153-9160.
85. Evaluating optical parameters from
electronic structure and crystal structure for binary (ANB8-N) and ternary (A
NB2+NC2 7-N)
Verma, A.S., Sharma, S., Jindal, V.K.
(2010) Modern Physics Letters B,
24 (24), pp. 2511-2524.
86. Damaged carbon nanotubes get healed by ion
Jeet, K., Jindal, V.K., Bharadwaj,
L.M., Avasthi, D.K., Dharamvir, K.
(2010) Journal of
Applied Physics, 108 (3), art. no. 034302,
87. DFT study of Aln (1-13) clusters
encapsulated inside single walled carbon nanotubes
Garg, I., Sharma, H., Dharamvir, K.,
Jindal, V.K., Kanhere, D.G.
(2010) Journal of Physical Chemistry
C, 114 (44), pp. 18762-18772.
88. Ab initio study of structural and
electronic properties of AlnN (n = 1-22) clusters
Sharma, H., Garg, I., Dharamvir, K.,
Jindal, V.K.
(2010) Journal of Computational and
Theoretical Nanoscience, 7 (11), pp. 2297-2307
89. Magnetism in endohedral metallofullerenes
TM@Cn for n=20, 28, 32, 36 where TM= Ti, V, Cr, Mn,
Fe, Co, Ni and Cu: A spin
density functional study
Sharma, H., Garg, I., Dharamvir, K.,
Jindal, V.K.
(2010) AIP Conference Proceedings,
1276, pp. 432-435.
90. A first-principle investigation of boron-
and nitrogen-doped heterofullerenes
Garg, I., Dharamvir, K., Jindal, V.K.,
Sharma, H.
(2011) International Journal of
Nanoscience, 10 (1-2), pp. 29-33.
91. Transition metal induced magnetism in
smaller fullerenes (Cn for n ≤ 36)
Garg, I., Sharma, H., Kapila, N.,
Dharamvir, K., Jindal, V.K.
(2011) Nanoscale, 3 (1), pp.
92. Electronic and mechanical properties of ZnX
(X=S, Se and Te) - An ab initio study
Verma, A.S., Sharma, S., Sarkar, B.K.,
Jindal, V.K.
(2011) AIP Conference Proceedings,
1393, pp. 237-238.
94. Structural modification of single wall and
multiwalled carbon nanotubes under carbon, nickel and gold ion beam irradiation
Jeet, K., Jindal, V.K., Bharadwaj,
L.M., Dharamvir, K.
(2011) AIP Conference Proceedings,
1393, pp. 67-68.
96. Structure and stability of pure and doped
lithium clusters (Lin and LinX, n=2-8, X=B, Al) - A DFT study
Rani, P., Sharma, S., Jindal,
(2011) AIP Conference Proceedings,
1393, pp. 191-192.
97. Elastic properties of chalcopyrite structured
Verma, A.S., Sharma, S., Bhandari, R.,
Sarkar, B.K., Jindal, V.K.
(2011) Materials Chemistry and Physics, . Article in Press.
98. First principles study on the elastic and
electronic properties of CdX (X=S, Se and Te)
Sharma, S., Verma,
A.S., Sarkar, B.K., Bhandari, R., Jindal, V.K.
(2011) AIP Conference Proceedings,
1393, pp. 229-230.
99. Structural, electronic and magnetic
properties of Mn, Co, Ni in Ge n for (n=113)
Kapila, N., Jindal, V.K., Sharma, H.
(2011) Physica B: Condensed Matter,
406 (24), pp. 4612-4619.
100. The role of N dopant in inducing
ferromagnetism in (ZnO)n clusters (n=116)
Kapila, N., Jindal, V.K., Sharma, H.
(2011) Journal of Physics Condensed
Matter, 23 (44), art. no. 446006, .
Structural and magnetic properties of TMGen (TM=Mn,Co,Ni)
for n=1-13
Kapila, N., Sharma, H., Bhandari, R.,
Jindal, V.K.
(2011) AIP Conference Proceedings,
1349 (PART A), pp. 1171-1172.
Elastic constants of CaF2 at different temperature
Sharma, S., Verma,
A.S., Jindal, V.K.
(2011) AIP Conference Proceedings,
1349 (PART A), pp. 825-826.
103. Models for lattice thermal expansion and
thermal conductivity for ternary (ANB2+NC2 7-N) tetrahedral semiconductors
Verma, A.S., Sarkar, B.K., Sharma, S.,
Bhandari, R., Jindal, V.K
(2011) Materials Chemistry and
Physics, 127 (1-2), pp. 74-78.
Elastic properties of
chalcopyrite structured solids
Verma, A.S., Sharma,
S., Bhandari, R., Sarkar, B.K., Jindal, V.K.
(2012) Materials
Chemistry and Physics, 132 (2-3), pp. 416-420.
105. Dielectric constants of zinc-blende
Verma, A.S., Pal, N., Sarkar, B.K.,
Bhandari, R., Jindal, V.K.
(2012) Physica
Scripta, 85 (1), art. no. 015705, .
Papers in international conferences and national conferences and symposia numbering around 100 are not listed here.