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V. K. Jindal

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Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi (DST) funded a project on “Phonon Dynamics of Fullerenes and Derivatives” from 1997-2001.

Under this project, we formulated a model that interpreted bulk, structural and anharmonic properties of fullerene solids. This model was mainly based on using rigid molecule interacting with another similar molecules forming bulk fullerene materials as well as carbon nanotubes. This model based on Van-der-Waals interactions was used quite successfully to explain experimentally observed structures of fullerenes and carbon nanotube bunches in hexagonal forms.

ARMREB, DRDO organization funded a project on “Model for high pressure in Energetic Materials and their Orientation Sensitivity of Shock Initiation” from 2002-2005 .

Subsequent to this, another project funded by DRDO on “Investigation of C60 and carbon nanotubes for their energy and shock absorbing properties”, was funded in 2006 and ended in 2010. Under this project, we exploited shock pressure absorbing capabilities of caged carbon materials. Apart from a theoretical investigation, experimental study using coating of these materials on some substrates was carried out and attenuation of shock and energy as explored.

Currently a research project on graphene study has been awarded as Emeritus Scientist which is effective from Dec., 2010. Under this a study on the newest carbon based materials known as graphene is being done to investigate the usefulness of these by substitutional doping of carbon atoms with boron and nitrogen.