Proceedings in the form submitted by speakers are being posted on this page w.e.f. 1 Aug 2014.
- Prospects of experimentally reachable beyond Standard Model physics in inverse seesaw motivated non-SUSY SO(10) GUT
Ram Lal Awasthi
(8-page pdf, 1.5M) - Study of Z0/γ∗ +Jet via electron decay mode at √s=7 TeV in CMS at LHC
U. Bhawandeep
(5-page pdf, 241K) - Hawking radiation from dynamical horizons
Ayan Chatterjee
(4-page pdf, 103K) - Two texture zeros and near maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing angle
Radha Raman Gautam
(5-page pdf, 236K) - Evidence for leptonic CP phase from NOνA,T2K and ICAL
Monojit Ghosh
(6-page pdf, 811K) - Precision measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters at INO-ICAL detector
Daljeet Kaur
(5-page pdf, 89K) - Was dark matter detected in India 40 years ago?
G. Rajasekaran
(6-page pdf, 273K) - High-energy physics in 2014 and its future
G. Rajasekaran
(10-page pdf, 138K) - Muon response in ICAL detector at India-based Neutrino Observatory
Kanishka Rawat
(5-page pdf, 1.4M) - Is the size of θ13 related to the smallness of the solar mass splitting?
Amitava Raychaudhuri
(10-page pdf, 176K) - Generalized parton distributions for the nucleon in the light-front quark model
Neetika Sharma
(7-page pdf, 395K) - Constraining the lightest neutrino mass and mee from general lepton mass matrices
Samandeep Sharma
(7-page pdf, 1.3M) - Flowering to bloom of PeV scale supersymmetric left-right symmetric models
Urjit A. Yajnik
(10-page pdf, 160K)