

Courses Offered by the Department

Note: The details regarding actual number of seats, fee structure and last dates etc. are subject to changes. For an up-to-date information about these, either contact Chairman office or look at official brochure and prospectus in addition to announcements in the newspapers.

Name of the course B.Sc. (Physics) under the framework of NEP 2020
Syllabus Syllabus 1st year (2022-23)  
Name of the course B.Sc. Physics (Specialization in Electronics) under the framework of NEP 2020
Syllabus Syllabus 1st year (2022-23)  
Name of the course B.Sc. (Physics) under the framework of Honours School System [Traditional course]
Duration3 years (semester system)
Seats** 40+10 additional (non- convertible seats)+6 NRI+2 Foreign National
Eligibility*** 10+2 examination (Non- Medical/Medical) with 50% marks from recognized Board/CBSE
Admission Criteria Based on PU-CET Under Graduate (UG)
Academics: 25% PU-CET(UG): 75%
For details see
Syllabus Syllabus (2020-21)   Syllabus (2021-22)-A    Syllabus (2021-22)-B
Name of the course B.Sc. Physics (Specialization in Electronics) under the framework of Honours School System [Self-financing course]*
Duration3 years (semester system)
Seats** 20+9 additional (non- convertible seats)+3 NRI+1 Foreign National
Eligibility*** 10+2 examination (Non- Medical/Medical) with 50% marks from recognized Board/CBSE
Admission Criteria Based on PU-CET Under Graduate (UG)
Academics: 25% PU-CET(UG): 75%
For details see
SyllabusSyllabus (2020-21)    Syllabus (2021-22)-A    Syllabus (2021-22)-B
Name of the course M.Sc. (Physics) under the framework of Honours School System [Traditional course]
Duration2 years (semester system)
Seats** 40+10 additional (non- convertible seats)+6 NRI+2 Foreign National
Eligibility*** B.Sc. (Pass-course) or B.Sc. (Honours) Physics examination of Panjab University, with Physics and Mathematics as elective subjects with 50% marks, or, any other university examination recognized as equivalent thereto with 50% marks, or, B.Sc. (Honours) in Physics under Choice- based credit system (CBCS) with 50% marks, or, B.Sc. (Honours) in any subject under CBCS with 24 credits in Physics as Generic Elective (GE) subject and Mathematics as Major/GE subject with 50% marks.
Admission Criteria Based on PU-CET Post Graduate (PG)
Academics: 40% PU-CET(PG): 60%
In addition, all the students after passing B.Sc. (Honours) in Physics of Panjab University campus will continue respective (Physics) framework of Honours School System.
For details see
Syllabus Syllabus M.Sc. 1st and 2nd Sem. (2021-22)    Syllabus M.Sc. 3rd and 4th Sem. (2021-22)    Syllabus M.Sc. 1st and 2nd Sem. (2025-26)    Syllabus M.Sc. 3rd and 4th Sem. (2025-26)
Name of the course M.Sc. Physics (Specialization in Electronics) under the framework of Honours School System [Self-financing course]*
Duration2 years (semester system)
Seats** 20+9 additional (non- convertible seats) +3 NRI+1 Foreign National
Eligibility*** B.Sc. (Pass-course) or B.Sc. (Honours) Physics examination of Panjab University, with Physics and Mathematics as elective subjects with 50% marks, or, any other university examination recognized as equivalent thereto with 50% marks, or, B.Sc. (Honours) in Physics under CBCS with 50% marks, or, B.Sc. (Honours) in any subject under CBCS with 24 credits in Physics as GE subject and Mathematics as Major/GE subject with 50% marks, or, B.Sc. (Honours) Electronics, or, B.Tech/B.E. (Electronics/Electrical/Mechanical or equivalent) with 50% marks.
Admission Criteria Based on PU-CET (PG)
Academics: 40% PU-CET(PG): 60%
In addition, all the students after passing B.Sc. (Honours) in Physics (Specialization in Electronics) of Panjab University campus will continue for respective M.Sc. Physics (Specialization in Electronics) under the framework of Honours School System.
For details see
Syllabus Syllabus M.Sc. 1st and 2nd Sem. (2021-22)    Syllabus M.Sc. 3rd and 4th Sem. (2021-22)
Name of the coursePh.D.
Duration3–6 years
SeatsSubject to availability
Eligibility See M.Phil/Ph.D. Prospectus for the current year
RemarksSee General Important Guidelines in Handbook of Information and this page: Essentials for Ph.D. students.
Syllabus (pre-Ph.D. course work)

* The course fees of “Self-financing courses” are substantially higher than the “Traditional courses”.

** Please carefully read the handbook of information for details regarding the total number of (convertible/non-convertible) available seats in various courses, the fees structure and the eligibility criteria for the various categories.

*** 5% concession is admissible in eligibility marks to BC/PwD candidates for all courses. The SC/ST candidates having pass-marks are eligible for application.

Important note for candidates:

a) The online submission of the CET(PG) form alone cannot be considered as the application for admission in M.Sc. courses. The candidates applying for admission in the M.Sc. courses have to separately fill the online application form for admission in Physics Department apart from the CET(PG) online form.

b) The candidates applying for the B.Sc. courses should opt for B.Sc. (Physics) and B.Sc. Physics (Specialization in Electronics) under the framework of Honours School System in the online CET(UG) form.


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